Ray-chaotic footprints in deterministic wave dynamics: a test model with coupled Floquet-type and ducted-type mode characteristics


Ray chaos, manifested by the exponential divergence of trajectories in an originally thin ray bundle, can occur even in linear electromagnetic propagation environments, due to the inherent nonlinearity of ray-tracing maps. In this paper, we present a novel (two-dimensional) test example of such an environment which embodies intimately coupled refractive wave-trapping and periodicity-induced multiple scattering phenomenologies, and which is amenable to explicit full-wave analysis. Though strictly nonchaotic, it is demonstrated that under appropriate conditions which are inferred from a comprehensive parametric database generated via the above-noted rigorous reference solution, the high-frequency wave dynamics exhibits trends toward irregularity and other peculiar characteristics; these features can be interpreted as “ray-chaotic footprints”, and they are usually not observed in geometries characterized by “regular” ray behavior. In this connection, known analogies from other disciplines (particularly quantum physics) are briefly reviewed and related to the proposed test configuration. Moreover, theoretical implications and open issues are discussed, and potential applications are conjectured.

IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 53(2), 753